Roast One
"From love for your work to love in your cup".

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

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About the product

This type of speciality coffee is perfect for filter brewing.

Ethiopia is universally recognized as the birthplace of coffee and produces some of the most complex and exciting coffees in the world.
Coffee was first grown in Ethiopia in the 1500s. Almost 500 years later, cultivation methods have not changed much. The vast majority of coffee in Ethiopia is produced by smallholder farmers, each producing an average of 300 kg (5 bags) per year.

Yirgacheffe is one of the coffee growing regions in Ethiopia. The beans grown here have a high density and complexity of flavor, which can be called one of the best in the world with full confidence, because the character of Ethiopian coffee is almost impossible to reproduce anywhere else in the world. Ethiopia Yirgacheffe sparkles with a variety of citrus and tropical fruit flavors, orange and floral notes, lemon sourness and high sweetness.

This type of specialty coffee is perfect for filter brewing.

Aftertaste: bergamot, lemon, green tea.

Roasting degree: light.

Processing method: washed

Products of this manufacturer can be viewed at the Diia.Business Center in Warsaw
Diia.Business in Warsaw
Bagatela 12, 00-588 Warsaw, Poland

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