Panfruit - a healthy and convenient snack for everyone

About the company

Panfruit specializes in growing organic berries and fruits, which are freeze-dried and packaged in final packages for customers. All of these processes take place on the same premises, which helps to preserve the beneficial properties of the products and reduce CO2 emissions into the environment. Only fresh and natural ingredients are the basis of the products presented.

Panfruit – a healthy and convenient snack for everyone

The latest technologies are used to create sublimates, so that the finished product retains all the useful and taste qualities by 97%.

The company owns its own fields for growing fruits and vegetables. On the farms, bees collect and produce honey. The location of the freeze-drying refrigeration system is the field where the berries and fruits are grown. This feature makes it possible to deliver fresh berries and fruits as quickly as possible, literally in 30 minutes from harvesting to the freezing system. This technology is called the 30-minute rule and helps to preserve all the beneficial qualities of organic products.

The company produces healthy and natural yogurt, which is convenient to take anywhere: home, movies, walks, etc.

Features of use

The convenient packaging format allows you to enjoy freeze-dried berries, fruits and vegetables at any time of the year. It is a great alternative solution to a vitamin snack anywhere.

Whole berries or sublimates in powder form can be added to any food and beverage. Freeze-dried fruit is also used in the professional confectionery industry due to its long shelf life.

For representatives of the food industry, it is possible to order freeze-dried berries wholesale and retail. Panfruit is a Ukrainian brand that specializes in the production of organic products with care for each customer.

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